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Emily Andre

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Emily Andre, OTR/L earned her Bachelor’s in Occupational Science and Master’s in Occupational Therapy at Towson University.  Her deep love of children has led her to specialize in pediatrics.  Emily has experience treating children with varied diagnoses such as fine and gross motor delays, ADHD, ASD, Cerebral palsy, sensory processing disorders, behavioral challenges, and feeding challenges.


Furthering her education, Emily has taken feeding CEUs through the SOS (Sequential, Oral, Sensory) feeding approach and enjoys being able to walk alongside families through the challenges of picky eaters and problem feeders. Emily also has extended training in Sensory Processing and retained reflexes and seeks to use this knowledge to help address underlying foundations that may be affecting attention, emotional regulation, impulse control, motor planning, or vision. 

Outside of work, Emily loves painting, reading, hiking, rock climbing, camping, and spending time with family. She is passionate about helping children find joy in the little things, reach their full potential, experience emotional growth, and try new things. Emily is also passionate about helping parents understand their children and helping to equip parents with resources and tools to help their children grow and succeed!

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